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The Strange South Perfume Review – Mixed Samples from The Collections Fall and Winter ‘19, Spring & Summer ‘19 and Layering Notes Mostly in The Edp Format

So, firstly I really need to slightly rave about my customer service experience. I emailed J from The Strange South asking for a little help on which scents I should try out in the new EdP format. I had missed the spring and summer collection completely, same as the layering notes and there were several I was interested in the newer fall and winter collection as well.
I emailed a list of my favorites and J send me back a list of perfumes I might enjoy the most based on those and also offered to sell me samples in the EdP format, just in those same vials the oil based ones come in (I think there was a plan to offer the EdP format in spray bottle samples at some point). I jumped on the offer and made the order on the 29th of September. I paid $3 per sample and got the discount that was offered at the time of -40%. The order shipped on the 16th of October. I also asked if I could possibly try out the soda accord in the EdP format for a custom idea I have and J just promtly promised to send it as a freebie (I also got a freebie oil sample of Caught’Ye and a lollipop my SO claimed). Everything was neatly and securely packaged as always. I was real happy with the experience to say the least. My order also shipped well within the promised TAT, so maybe that side is also being improved on.
I’ve had a good experience with the EdP format. I can’t really fairly comment on the throw as much, because I have the swipe sample vials and obviously the perfumes would be best used as sprays. To me they aren’t too strong at all and best of all, because I’m an international orderer, there’s no alcohol smell there (they’re made with isopropyl myristate instead of perfumer’s alcohol). A couple of swipes will get you a nice, slightly radiating scent cloud in my experience. I’d say the longevity will be better in the oil format, these ‘burn away’ a lot quicker and disappear completely at some point, whereas the oils stay as skin scents for much longer. However, I noticed far less of notes going wonky on my skin in the EdP format and I’ll note in the reviews when I noticed (or suspected more like) this being the case. The EdP samples seemed to also stabilize really quickly, so no long rest times needed for those in my experience.
A note about me as a perfume user; I love weird things and atmospherics the most and don’t care for too sweet perfumes or being ‘smelled across the room’. I write about what I sniffed (in a long and rambly way) and some mental impressions that might have followed. This is another long one, maybe take a coffee break at the mid point.
Spring & Summer ‘19
Mother Wild (Green tea, red wine, orchid, dew, and deadfall.) (EdP)
So, as the name suggests, this smells wild. Like wild, old woods. Almost slightly mulchy. Which to me was actually quite surprising given the notes, not what I expected for some reason. The woods are dewy and green tea and red wine swirl around those woody notes. I think the combination of green tea and red wine sounded so intriguing, so I’m sort of disappointed they don’t get more of a spotlight. The orchid becomes apparent later and the floral note is pretty prominent. All in all, this is very pretty and quite simple. I like it in the EdP format, it’s not too sophistecated, but still approriate to a little more formal situations. The deadfall makes it atmospheric enough for me, and takes it away from being ‘just a floral’ perfume. This is however one of the safer options, if you want to try out The Strange South and are afraid of the more ‘out there’ atmospherics.
Thornback (Black locust, white tea, guaiacwood, and amber.) (EdP)
Roasty or toasty are the adjectives that come to mind when I first sniff this. The tea note is a marvel; teensy bit floral but has the same quality as roasted, puffed rice. It is definitely a cup of high quality tea, smells expensive. The tea also comes with a touch of milky vanilla, slightly sweet, reminds me of marshmallow cream notes in some perfumes. Behind them sneaks the guiacwood, like a stick of burning palo santo wood, but milder on the anise and lemony notes. This stuff is so mellow. There’s a touch of ashy notes there when inhaling deep and I marvel how this to me is slightly similar in a way to Sixteen92 Redrum (which I really enjoy). This one isn’t nearly as spiky, but vanillaed, milky tea combined with ash, there’s definitely common ground there. I really like this, even though it definitely is a little on the sweeter side. Apparently black locust tree flowers smell like musky honey, and hearing that, I can find a touch of musk and perhaps some of the sweetness or creaminess is coming from that accord as well. I don’t really sniff out anything too honey-like though, which I’m totally okay with. The amber doesn’t really register as an invidual note, so maybe it is just a smoothing agent.
Caught’Ye (Plum blossom, fig, burnt sage, heather, clover, catnip, and ruffled hair.) (Oil)
So strong, this is knock your socks off volume on me. I get the minty catnip, a burning sage smudge stick and the plum blossom the strongest. I have a few other perfumes with plum blossom which I really enjoy, but here it is a little jarring with its power. The whole perfume calms down fast though and the combo of the burning sage and fig is really, really nice. If I inhale deep I can sense the heather in the background and though I’m not sure about this, but I think the fur note is also softening the whole composition. I’m not really getting anything hugely green, so the clover is lost on me I suppose. This might need more resting than the others, being an oil based sample. At this time Black Cat Oil is the winner of these two kitty themed offerings from TSS in my opinion.
Layering Notes
Dagon (“I felt myself on the edge of the world, peering over the rim into a fathomless chaos of eternal night.”) (EdP)
Seaweed and ambergris and sort of watery green notes (not necessarily aquatic or florist shop styled though) and a composition that actually smells like face cream to me. I feel like there’s a smooth, pressed powder quality on the bottom of the more atmospheric notes. I do think there’s a clay or a mud note too, not very strong but a part of the accord. The perfume also fits the lovecraftian reference in that this one has that slithering feel to it. Dragon scales and snake skin and quite possibly tentacles. I’d wear this on its own while reading a fantasy book to set the mood, but also just for relaxing or for comfort because of that face cream quality I get from it. I’d like to layer this with a skin musk scent or anything that has cloth notes in them. This might just be the surprise favorite of the layering notes (well, I do love the Blood accord too). Use this to earthy up another perfume or to bring a slithering quality to them. The drydown has ozone I think, it’s almost silvery in quality. This just gets better and better.
Blackout (“How much more black could this be? The answer is none. None more black.”) (EdP)
Okay, I feel like I might be getting tricked by my skin chemistry here big time, but the first thing I get is chocolate. Dark chocolate. Not bitter per say, but definitely not sweet either. But then there’s also patchouli and aged patchouli gets real chocolatey on my skin quite often, so yeah (I see this still happens despite the EdP format). I also get something that reminds me of graphite or ash or maybe both? Like those rocks that are black but glint in different light in different colors, this has that quality. Shiny rocks with a hint of dust. So I’d try using this to darken a scent or to add a stony quality and/or a shiny, dark metallic vibe. Least favorite from the layering notes, but still a very wearable one.
Space Dust (The smoldering remains of comet trails, moon rock, and cosmic debris.) (EdP)
Green metallic; platinum, rusted metals and copper. I’m guessing many noses will sniff this and only get a rooty green scent of galbanum or perhaps a kind of vetiver, but to me this is deliciously metallic in quality. The best metallic in my book is this particular one (it is in fact so metallic to me it feels weird in my teeth when I sniff this). I also sense a citrus looming there in the midst of that dark, rooty green. And almost a tea scent, tannic in a way. A touch of electrical fire smoke (that would probably be cade) and wires criscrossing, zapping with elecricity. A super deep inhale will give me a little of that dusty rock accord, but that is not the main focus here. This is one of those veeery complex layering notes, that I feel would totally stand on their own as a perfume and so it almost feels a waste to layer with these. I’d maybe try layering this with a full on winter atmospheric (to imitate the starry skies you witness when the temperature really drops) or maybe something with vanilla musk (weirdly specific, but I have a feeling it would fit)? Layer this to go completely scifi. This will most definitely be my Outer Worlds perfume and would probably fit a Death Stranding playthrough as well!
Blood (Single note.) (Oil)
I just love this and have raved about it in several occasions, this is an aged bottle I asked for a long time ago (I doubt there’s been any reformulations though and seeing as I have it, I thought I might add it to the list of layering note reviews). It is just realistic enough (very realistic but doesn’t get yucky for a lack of a better word). On the scale this is somewhere between berried and floral versions of blood as a perfume note (veering more berried to my nose. There’s no unnecassary sweetness though and it is blended in a way, at least I can’t tell what berry scents might be involved. It’s more of an impression than anything), I don’t really get much in the way of incense notes. This has more than a touch of metallics too, copper definitely but maybe also a little iron. I think this is more of a slightly dried blood scent than freshly spilled, especially in the drydown. This is pretty strong and stands up to most other perfumes when layering. Perfect for any time you want to feel like a real life vampire or just primal up any scent really. I use this a lot as is.
Soda (Cola) Accord (Single note.) (EdP)
I don’t know why I expected less, but yet again an unique as f outlook on an often used and universally known scent. It has that cinnamon all cola notes have, but it’s almost like this one is build on a jammy fir note? It definitely has that sweetness and bubbliness of cola, so no winter or holiday candles here, but definitely smells like there’s a tree note there. And maybe orange or other citrus? I don’t honestly enjoy it as much as I wanted to, maybe it works out better as an oil?
Fall and Winter ‘19
Come Play With Us (Bourbon, waxed wood, stale water, red musk, and blood orange.) (EdP)
Yummy, I don’t know what it is, but I love wax notes in perfumes. This is heavily waxy to start with, and smells like you’d have waxed wood surfaces against moisture with something slightly similar to candle wax, but not as sweet. Kind of reminds me of the stuff you put on skies to make them clide better. The blood orange and the red musk rise next and then it does get a little sweeter, but never heavy or cloying. I enjoy the way the blood orange works on me, it has a cristalline and popping feel to it. The waxed wood note makes way for the bourbon, which is more smooth than super alcoholic to my nose. Perhaps because it does sort of mix in with the water note, making the perfume a little aquatic in nature. The water note is really nice, no cologne or unnecessary cleanliness, but it doesn’t smell dirty either. It is like a glass of water you’ve filled at night and that’s been left untouched ‘till morning. I didn’t know there’s a scent for that, but the description of stale water just makes so much sense when you smell this. These uncanny and witty notes are the reason I enjoy TSS so much. I think this one is just super wearable and a nicely not that obvious nod to the reference material as well.
Gatlin (A cornfield burning against a night sky.⁣) (EdP)
What I would imagine is a dried out corn husk scent; a mixture of sweetness, a hint of salt and dryness that is not quite straw or hay (more familiar sniffs for me), but is sort of close. And then the other obvious part is the burning notes of smoke and ash. They’re pretty obviously there, but never overpower the husk scent, so it doesn’t turn into a ‘I was sitting in a bonfire’ type deal. I imagine this would probably be the strongest one if sprayed on still, the notes of the perfume seem super tenacious. This seems simple at a glance (or a sniff), but I do feel there’s a lot there to sort of set the mood, the atmospherics behind the two core elements. I can sense at least a dirt note, perhaps the same one as in Baby Shoes, and an element of cold air. To me this doesn’t necessarily read night time per say, but there’s a coldness there that suggest late autumn or early winter time. I want a custom some day of a Finnish equvalent to this, with the fabolous mud note of TSS and hay and straw and dried leaves and frost and maybe a touch of wool warmed by skin musk and a curl of smoke in the frosty air. I do enjoy this one, but the husk note did take some time getting used to, I thought it was overall weirdly sweet at first. Now though, I don’t know… I sort of keep sniffing it. There’s something comforting there, a sort of familiarity long gone now.
God of The Lost (Birch, mud, honey (vegan), pelting rain, and the hulking, faceless creature trailing your scent.⁣) (EdP)
Strong birch note, still reminds me strongly of root beer (which I’m really partial to), maybe slightly more herbal/medicinal here than just sweet/fizzy. Almost as strong is the mud note, that is just gorgeous, just that thick riverbed mud scent of the smoothest grey or like the most luxurious mud mask. The honey comes in third, it’s the same honey note The Strange South often uses, I can recognize it from Blood on The Moon for example. It is thick, slightly dusty (but not really powdery at all) and a little sweet. I can sense the rain more than just plainly sniff it out, I can imagine droplets hitting a ditch filled with water and hitting the sides of that riverbed of grey mud. I perhaps amp that honey note a little, because at times it seems a little oppressive even. The base to my nose is build on a shadowy musk, maybe like a mix between a breathy musk and a dark musk? Overall, not my favorite of the bunch (just too sweet with the honey and the birch), but I really appreciate the artistry of mixing these notes into something that works in unison. Also, I would like to bathe in this mud note.
Tall Paul (Splintered wood, chipped paint, the melange of sweets and musk from a bewildered crowd, and a memory of smoke.⁣) (EdP)
A melange of sweets is wildly accurate, I recognize a chocolate one out of the bat, but there’s definitely gummy candies in there too. And then the paint note sort of sneaks up on you and all of a sudden you’re really standing in a crowd. There’s a scent of smoke in the air, sort of a carny feel, with the sweets mingling there. And musk, sort of uncanny how it actually smells like standing close to a mass of people. A slightly sweaty scent, but not unpleasant in the slightest. I get fried foods now and cinnamon buns or perhaps that slightly spiced smell is the wood planks scent trailing behind. This is an atmospheric through and through and ya bet I’m going to layer this with Sixteen92 Loser’s Club. I still think that Pennywise very probably smells like TSS Abe Lincoln, Ancient Astronaut Expert, so maybe I’ll add that one too.
Commala (Mugs of spiced cider, tanned suede, prairie grass, rice, rain clouds, and dust kicked up from a heeled boot.) (EdP)
Nngh, such a warming scent (as in this actually smells warmed)! There’s the suede note from Screamer (soft, fuzzy with a slight leathery/animalic edge) and a touch of cherry maybe? There’s also a warmed up note of cider, like the mulled wine we drink around Christmas, but with apples. The spices are super subtle and simmered. These two are the main features here but again, there’s an atmospheric backdrop to them. I can sense a dryness which I suspect is the prairie grass, but nothing reads green (this is all fuzzy browns). The rice brings an extra layer of cozy to me (it is similar to sniffing a bag of basmati rice if I really search for it), but doesn’t read hugely as an individual scent note. The atmoshere comes from the dust clouds mixing with the scent of petrichor rising from the dust as the rain is falling super gently. The drydown is quite dusty in that particular way sand dust smells (a very familiar scent from summer festivals and making sand soup as a kid, so comfort level here is through the roof for me). I can’t decide if this is more of a winter or a summer scent for me though, maybe this is versatile enough to wear during both.
Longer Than You Think! (The fuzzy, slowly decaying remnants of a mind gone mad. Gardenia, walnut, galactic resins, dust, and darkness.⁣) (EdP)
Okay, so, I’ve not had the best of luck with all of TSS’s florals. Especially the so called white florals have gone wonky to say the least. But here comes the EdP format to save the day it seems (I couldn’t pass by this one because it had such interesting notes, despite fearing I’d get something along the lines of baby wipes from it)! The gardenia is sooo buttery and rich!! I’m sure the walnut brings a touch of that as well (like a fatty note, if that makes sense) and almost an oaky woodyness. Plus I sense there’s a touch of spice there too. It’s actually really nice, no cat pee or poopoo or wet wipes, none of that. The backing is definitely resiny and a little dusty, I feel like myrrh and perhaps frankincense too are very possible culprits, but there’s a very real chance also pine or other softer conifer resin makes an appearance. The resins are a little spiky and super strong, at first the perfume was unapologetically floral but it does change into a resin festival once they get going. This one is so multilayered and complex and yeah, dark (I actually think there might even be a little aged patchouli in there to darken the composition). The perfume kind of demands a statement piece of clothing and a special occasion to accompany it. Not in my comfort zone, but an impressive perfume nonetheless.
Baby Shoes (Upturned dirt, gasoline, powdered skin, smashed apricots, cream, and white musk.⁣) (EdP)
OMG a gasoline scent from TSS that works on me?! I’d be lying if I wouldn’t be ultra tempted to try out the other two that failed miserably to work out with my chemistry in the oil format as EdPs. But anyway, Baby Shoes. I get all the notes and the effect is weird for sure, but not as weird as you’d maybe think. The white musk is the leading note, this is more of a clean laundry white musk than a perfumey one. Then I get a mix of the dirt, powdered skin and gasoline, the overall effect is softly powdery and slightly oily from the gasoline. The gasoline isn’t aggressive or the main feature here, but definitely still noticeable. The combo of notes reminds me of gasoline puddles more than say sniffing the air at a gas station or standing in an old garage. The dirt accompanies the gasoline, but is somewhat losing to the powdered skin note. The dirt is also the dry, slightly powdered version, not like a deep forest dirt, but more of a top soil or something you’d have in your flower pots type of deal. There’s a wet feel to it. The powdered skin combines with the laundryesque white musk and really makes me think of baby clothes. Super soft materials warmed by powdered, soft skin. The cream and the apricots are noticeable too throughout the scent life, though maybe not as such main features. The apricots don’t go pee-like or candied at all and the cream note doesn’t curdle or do any other weird tricks. EdP format truly works here. This is a super soft comfort scent, that still has a noticeable throw.
Overall, a pretty good success rate this time around. And even when some of them weren’t for me, the perfumes managed to wow me with the artistry behind them nonetheless as per usual when it comes to my experiences with The Strange South.
submitted by SaraSusanna to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

5 Deconstructing Eden Reviews: Black No. 1 + Delaunay + Morrigan + Haunted + El Sol

5 Deconstructing Eden Reviews: Black No. 1 + Delaunay + Morrigan + Haunted + El Sol
Some months ago (I think it was for the 4th of July sale?) I bought a sampler pack of Deconstructing Eden scents from Sucreabeille's Indie Marketplace [ link, if anyone is wondering where to get it ]. Today is the day I finally review them.
I'm pretty stoked to finally get around to them because I had the opportunity to collaborate with Deconstructing Eden's Toni on Roasts and Toasts. What really stands out to me about her perfumes is the note quality: She's doing Indie scent profiles in a classical way ( no fragrance oils! ) and it really shows.
The perfumes covered in today's review are:


All perfumes in this review were allowed to rest for several days ( a few weeks for these scents) after arrival. The perfumes were kept in the dark in a plastic box if small enough. If too large for a box they generally sit on top of a bookcase or bedside table, or inside of a drawer. I did crack them open to sniff them directly after arrival, and with a couple to do an initial test. The reviews are not based off of these initial impressions - though if a rest did change the smell I’ll note that.
I’m doing a half-hour skin test with each perfume. They are always applied to skin that has either been washed or hasn’t had perfume on it that day. Sometimes I will run one scent on one wrist/hand/arm and the other on the other wrist/hand/arm. When I wash my hands for review purposes I wash with Dove sensitive skin, or almond Doc Bronner’s.
Before doing test periods I often wear or play with other scents in my collection (that I wash off). I also am often wearing scented lotion on my feet and ankles (that I do not wash off). Sometimes I wear scented hair products simultaneously. Theoretically there could be cross-contamination.
For spray perfumes/EDPs: I gently give them a little shake. I then wrap my arm in a towel except for the test area (again, top of the arm or back of the hand.) I then spritz the EDP on with a couple of pumps then remove the towel. The goal is to keep the EDP restricted to the test area. (Note: this time if I was only running one scent on one side I didn't bother to use the towel - I did 3 of the perfumes before taking a shower and two after).
Each review is written without looking at the notes in that moment. Frequently I will glance at a perfume’s notes beforehand. At the end of the review I will list what the official notes are and comment on how I think they interacted.

Bottle Review

Deconstructing Eden's sample bottles are 2.5 ML spray EDPs. The tops remove easily, and they spray easily giving a nice cloud for such a little nozzle. The fonts used on the labels are all easily legible and didn't seem to smear or be damaged from typical use.
The bottles seem quite impossible to open though - this is good in terms of preventing leaks, but, I often do bottle-sniff reviews as part of my reviews. I've had to skip that section with Deconstructing Eden. In most cases I don't think this will matter because if you want to sniff a perfume you can just go ahead an apply it.
The only downside to them is they come shrink wrapped tightly in plastic - it has a preforated line on it but when removing this plastic it never once tore neatly along the line for me. Getting the bottles out was a mini-wrestling match for each bottle. I get that this is yet another precaution against leaks - a good idea when shipping EDPs - but I do wish the plastic were a little easier to remove.
A reminder: Each nose is different and each skin’s chemistry is different. Your mileage may vary.
Note: Since these are all EDPs and drydown very quickly (sometimes even before I've finished the 'wet' section) I've combined the drydown/after 30 minutes sections.

Black No. 1

Wet on my skin: Spicy, sweet, earthy resin with an anise-edge. Might be getting some black myrrh and leather in here. It reminds me very strongly of BPAL’s Schwarzer Mond but a bit spicier and fresher.
Topnotes of sweet anise (maybe some cashmere? - something soft in there, it could also be a tonka). Midnotes of leather and a sweet resin - maybe myrrh. Basenotes of earthy and spicy resins - could totally see a black amber and an aged patchouli.
Drydown/After 30 mins: Pretty stable to how it went on, but more nuance is coming out.
At a glance this smells like soft leather and sexy, evil Dr. Pepper. Like, it isn’t fizzy but there is something in there that reminds me of a cola note or a Dr. Pepper note.
I’m getting topnotes of leather, a little bit of anise (like it’s seriously off at the edges at this point), and a little bit of resinous piquancy.
In the midnotes I’m getting the kind-of-like-spicy-cola smell, the ‘soft’ smell (could be cashmere, could be a vanilla), and sweet resin. At the base it’s all dark, smooth resins.
Official Notes: Milk white skin, a haze of clove cigarette smoke, burning leaves and the blackest patchouli in my collection.
So, I think the soft smell is the milk white skin. The spicy-cola smell is the clove cigs, the burning leaves are the ‘sweet’ resin and possibly adding some of the piquant resin I’m getting at the top. It might also be where I’m getting the kind of ‘leather’ vibe from. The base is that fabulous, very black, aged patchouli.
Verdict: If you’re a fan of sweet dark resins definitely check this one out. I am quite fond of it and will be keeping my sample - possibly upsizing when I run through said sample (they’re 2.5ml which is almost a dram).


Wet on my skin: Mist, water, ozone, with an edge of a floral. This smells exactly like cool misty water with some florals and warmth with a little bit of a resinous traditionally masculine scent in there. Maybe a touch of citrus at the outset and an undercurrent of musk.
Drydown/After 30 mins: Getting topnotes of something bitter, musty, and papery - it’s either a pepper note (white pepper maybe) or a pipe/cherry tobacco. It’s hard for me to make out the rest of the scent under that - I get edges of those phenomenal water notes, a bit of the traditionally masculine smelling resing, a tiny kiss of citrus and some sort of sweet floral. But it’s all dominated by that bittesharp, musty, papery scent.
Official Notes: Ambergris, red leaves, black agarwood, a touch of leather, amber key accord, rosewood, cassis, a touch of lime and the barest drop of fresh apple.
So, the ambergris in this is what initially smells warm and aquatic. It’s amazing. The topnotes I’m getting must be a mix of leather (which is kinda acrid), the cassis, the amber and the red leaves. This mixture smells bitter, dusty, papery, and peppery so I figure the leather must be adding the acrid/sharp notes to it, the leaves must be adding the papery, the amber is probably adding the kind of ‘dusty’ notes, and the peppery note - along with some of the earthiness of the scent - must be coming from the cassis (blackcurrant liqueur). What’s reading as a floral to my nose must be the rosewood. The black agarwood must be the resinous base. With the fruits I get that kiss of the lime and at the edges I can, with the words in front of me, make out the barest tiniest hint of apple you can imagine.
Verdict: Loved this wet when that amazing ambergris dominated. I’m not a fan of the particular papery-peppery combo that lives in the topnotes of the scent. It certainly is masculine, and it certainly is dark, but it’s heading into that Old Book Smell category I’m not a huge fan of. If you’re one of those Old Book Sniffers out there, and someone who likes masc scents, give this one a spin.


Wet on my skin: Makeup powder (smells just like many lipstick accords with just a touch of soft powder), soft leather - at least one floral (going to guess rose, but could be wrong - there might be some violet in there too), something golden - could be heliotrope, could be vetiver. Softness reminiscent of a textile (cashmere maybe?). A wisp of something smoky. There is a resinous base - more like a grey amber than woody though.
Drydown/After 30 mins: This is reminding me of Sixteen92’s Mein Herr Marquis but darker and with an edge.
At the top I’m getting dark leather, soft powder, and what smells like rose and violet to me - with the violet being on the ‘creamy, almost like chocolate’ end of the violet spectrum. There’s kind of a shimmering quality to the whole scent I’m having a little trouble putting my finger on.
In the midnotes still getting that soft note and that golden note.
At the base it’s resinous and grey with a tiny, tiny bit of smokiness.
Official Notes: Grey musk, leather, dark red roses, patchouli, night blooming jasmine on a bed of wood.
So, the grey musk is what’s smelling soft in the midnotes and what’s adding that grey character I was reading as part of the base. The leather is the leather, and the rose is the rose - and given that there’s no violet in this I suspect the rose is adding that kind of floral-roundness I was reading as violet.
A bit surprised to see jasmine appearing in here - but I can totally see it now that it’s named. It’s adding to the ‘golden’ character of the scent and providing that ‘shimmery’ note (it’s a really nice jasmine!).
The patchouli is what is one of the base resins in the scent - and I think is adding a bit to the ‘golden’ portions, and then there’s wood. It smells like grey, weathered wood.
Verdict: I really like this one! It’s feminine, but with claws. Keeping my sample and will probably be upsizing when I run through it!


Wet on my skin: Rose and dark greenery - something bitter near the base, maybe some bergamot? I think I saw the rose note for this while copy/pasting the notes for another of the scents… but even if I hadn’t it would be hard to miss the rose in this. This is rose centric, for sure.
Beyond that rose in the greenery I feel like I’m getting two different kinds of greenery. One is that fresh cut grass scent and another is a darker, sweeter green. There might be an edge of another floral in this - a sweet one like ylang ylang or something.
The base note is some sort of dark wood, I think.
Drydown/After 30 mins: Rose, fresh greenery, dark greenery, bitter-citrus-kinda smell and dark wood at the base. Edges of that other floral that might be ylang ylang. It’s fairly stable to how it went on - perhaps the rose is a smidge less dominant but otherwise about the same.
Official Notes: Ghostly roses, ethereal lilacs, and wisteria. Pale, pale Asian lilies on a soft bed of delicate woods and ambergris.
So, yes on the roses. With the lilacs and wisteria - I maybe get a hint of purple flowers? It’s hard to tell under the rose. Like I can see a little powderiness from the lilacs, and some round purpleness at the edges that I had been attributing to the white floral. I think the wisteria is what I was reading as bergamot - a little woodsy and bitter, but also sweet and piquant. The lily is what I was reading as ylang-ylang. With that one I was at least in the right neighborhood with ‘white floral’. The base is in fact woods - with it written in front of me I can see a light touch from the ambergris, giving the woods a bit of gold in there with the darkness.
I’ve been trying to figure out what I was reading as greenery. The fresh greenery I could see maybe being from the wisteria, and maybe the ambergris was adding some of the dark greener? Or maybe it’s part of the rose accord to simulate a stem? I’m not sure, but, there definitely is a ‘green’ element to this from somewhere.
Verdict: Dark, feminine, and unabashedly rose centered. Rose lovers rejoice! I am not, personally, anti-rose - but it isn’t one of my great floral loves either. I’m largely ‘rose neutral’ if you will, and here the rose is a bit much for my tastes. This will be one I pass on.

El Sol

Wet on my skin: Orange blossoms, ultra sweet citrus, overlaying amber, musk, and some sort of spice - cinnamon maybe? It reminds me of the smell of orange sticky buns minus the gourmand note. So, sort of like orange frosting with a tiny bit of fizz to it. There might be, come to think of it, some honey and vanilla in here.
Drydown/After 30 mins: Very, very golden and sweet.
Guessing at notes: With the topnotes there’s a bit of piquancy - but it’s not any citrus I can ID by my nose, so I’m guessing it’s something a little unusual - maybe citron. Then there’s Orange with a capital O which could be orange, orange blossom, or mock orange. It might even be a combination - I’m going to guess orange blossom and mock orange though.
In the midnotes I think there’s some ambergris here - it’s got that kind of ambery, musky, frothy smell ambergris has. I’m guessing there might even be a very sweet white floral in here too - like honeysuckle. Then I think there might be some honey and vanilla.
Finally I think there’s a base of amber.
Official Notes: Crashing waves, pineapple, coconut, driftwood, sweet oranges, neroli blooms, and redwoods.
Crashing waves I’m guessing is the ambergris smelling scent. The pineapple is what I was mistaking for an out-of-the-norm citrus (whoops) - a mistake I keep making with pineapple. A lot of the sweetness in the scent is coming from the pineapple, I think. The coconut is what’s kind of musky and reminds me of vanilla. The driftwood I think is what I was reading as part of the ‘ambergris’ smell - but I can pick it out as a unique odor with the word in front of me.
The sweet oranges are the orange, the neroli blooms are what I was reading as normal orange blossoms and the redwood is the resin at the base.
Verdict: A grown-up pina colada smell (minus the rum). For lovers of fruity oceanics (and orange flavored icing) this one is a real treat. It’s very sweet compared to the other scents I’ve tried from Deconstructing Eden so, if you like your scents sugary, this might fit the bill. For me? I’m conflicted. I’d love this smell in a lotion, or in a bath bomb or candle. As a personal scent I can’t decide if it’s ‘too sweet’ for me or not. No idea if I’ll keep my sample or not in the long run.
submitted by clawsight to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

Mass Review - Haus of Gloi, Solstice Scents, Sixteen92, and much more

I've been collecting indie perfumes since March and I haven't made a review post, so now I can post about a million of them at once! Warning, this will be super long!
Note: I prefer gourmands and light atmospherics, and perfumes tend to turn sweet on me, so those things might bias these reviews a bit.
Haus of Gloi
Mama's Porridge - Brown sugar sweetened oatmeal with a splash of milk and a piece of buttery cinnamon sugar dusted toast.
I got this in pumpkin butter after seeing people rave about it so many times on here and I'm so glad I did. It smells exactly like the center of a cinnamon roll. You can smell the gooey frosting, the cinnamon sugar, the chewy pastry. It's so hard not to put this in my mouth! And it's probably going to be my favorite lotion now: I don't think I've had one that makes my skin this soft before.
Tannenbaum - Fir boughs, deep woods, airy lichens and cold wintery air.
I've got a Christmas tree in the other room and the smell is indistinguishable from this perfume! It's simply a Christmas tree! :D I would love to layer this with other Christmasy scents, or wear it in another season if I'm really missing Christmas.
Vice - Steam billows rolling off a vessel of fresh made Turkish coffee, marshmallow goo tainted by graham cracker crumbs, toasted hazelnuts and blanketed in black chocolate.
I got this one as a free sample. Oh my GOD it smells just like hazelnut coffee. Not just any hazelnut coffee though, high end coffee with lots of cream. I think the black chocolate makes it smell more refined and the marshmallow makes it smell so creamy and sweet. It smells exactly like the coffee I remember my dad getting when we went to Disneyland. I'm not sure what kind he bought but it was so good that it was his favorite part of Disneyland. Needless to say I love this one and it brings back good memories :)
Campfire Cinnamon Buns - Gooey cinnamon buns smothered in brown sugar and roasted nuts with cream cheese frosting and a wisp of campfire smoke.
This one is super sweet and innocent; I smell the sweet cinnamon like in Mama's Porridge with a touch of smokiness which makes it more full bodied.
E Lucevan le Stelle - Dark earth, night gardenia, starlit cobblestone, ambergris, galbanum, tree moss.
This smells like a classy lady. I get the cobblestone and gentle floral of the gardenia but mostly musk.
Jack O Lantern - Raw pumpkin flesh, creamy vanilla bean, a dash of Chai spices and blood orange zest.
This was so good for October. I think what it reminds me of is candy corn! Though I can see how the notes would include chai spices. It’s light and sweet and innocent (I even gave some to my middle school sister). Even if you don’t see the name on the bottle, when you smell this, you just know it smells like Halloween.
Mellifera - Wildflower Honey Accord (not vegan), Violet, Jasmine Sambac, Vanilla Infused Sugar, Sandalwood
This smells just like raw honey with a bit of amber. It’s so good! I’ve been layering it with other scents to make them sweet. Like how drizzling honey on a pastry turns it into dessert.
Cotton Mather - Blackened patchouli, woodland mosses, sweet herbs, dried helichrysum, woodsmoke, lamplight, ink, ash and flame
My friend bought this and let me smell it-- I swear I could smell an old stone cottage, crumbling paper, candle just reminded me a lot of Cotton Mather as a person which was so exciting. But my sample to me smells like bitter musk which is so sad! I’d love to hear about other people’s experiences with this perfume.
Olympic Orchids
Blackbird - Himalayan blackberry fruit, dry grass and leaves, elemi, cedar wood and resin, woody-amber accord, fir balsam absolute, musk.
This shit is legit. It’s supposed to smell like the PNW and I live there and it’s just like a walk down a blackberry bramble covered path in August, when the sun has sweetened the blackberries and dried the leaves of the forest.
Moss Maiden - A delicately feral blend of luxuriant mosses, crushed wet ferns, earthy calamus root, piquant cedar tips, galbanum, balsam pine, lichen, disturbed autumnal leaves, and aromatic incense woods.
The Actual Smell of the forest floor in late summer. I got down there and compared it to the perfume. With a little bit of classy lady, because that's who the Moss Maiden is. A favorite for sure.
Pumpkins Crave Porches - Wild blackberries, cassis berries, white coconut, sweet pumpkin, salt air, and tiny hints of garden herbs.
It doesn't smell like pumpkin spice latte, that's for sure. I can imagine a jack o’ lantern out on the porch for this one -- it smells like wild plants and pumpkin, pretty much just how the notes describe it.
Deconstructing Eden
Bjorn - Clean musk, leather, stormy water, a drop of patchouli and ripe oranges.
Sparkling citrus (so, Sprite) and leather. I imagine a Viking sailing in his boat and drinking Sprite tbh. The “stormy water” must work for both the “sparkling citrus” I describe and the water. I really really like this one! And it stays on you until you specifically wash it off, so you smell sparkly and lemony for quite a while, which is definitely a plus.
Darling Clandestine
Mad As Birds - A sweet, cool, garden-dew fragrance with a resiny undertone. Notes include pear and mint and smoky amber and marigolds. This version is a limited edition batch that I toyed with earlier this year. It's subtly different from the batch I had for sale during my spring release, and closer to the original Mad as Birds I created back in 2011. Just a tiny bit less sweet, cooler, with more complexity in the pear note and more clarity in the mint.
This one seems so magical to me because people smell mint? I legit only smell crunchy red apples, comforting warm dryer sheets, and maybe the sweet pages of an old book. I think it smells different to everyone!
Solstice Scents
I ordered from Solstice Scents to get Christmas presents for my two friends -- one was looking for something dark and sweet, and one wanted the smell of campfire + rain. I found Solstice Scents to be really different when they dry (in a good way; there’s always an extra note!), and usually a little musky, but to be fair I didn’t order any straight gourmands or food scents.
Black Forest - Agarwood, Nagarmotha EO, Tobacco Absolute, Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Cocoa Absolute, Maraschino Cherries, Black Cherries, Hay Absolute, Sandalwood EO, Whipped Cream & a drop of Pink Peppercorn Essential Oil.
Here I smell dark rich chocolate cake with a bit of muskiness and black cherries, and when it dries it smells more like rich chocolate and musk.
Smoky Mountain Mallow - Wood Smoke, Fossilized Amber Resin, Lapsang Souchong CO2, Guaiacwood, Labdanum, Nutmeg EO, Marshmallow.
This one was amazing! I get mostly marshmallow and a tiny bit of smokiness when first applied, and then most of the marshmallow disappears and it’s full smokiness. The smoke note is a bit sharp due to the lapsang souchong, which makes it very intriguing and unique.
Gibbon’s Boarding School - Dusty Wooden Desks, Paper, Carefully Hidden Tobacco Pouch, Dying Fire, Dried Leaves, Leather Chairs, Autumn Breeze.
On the website it says this perfume was made of 32 different perfumes blended together! Unfortunately as a gourmand & atmospherics person I didn’t smell much besides musk; maybe old paper and leather, but my friend who I gave it to loved it. It was probably the leather. So if you’re looking for something dark and musky with leather, you might like this.
Runestone - Natural Earthy Forest Blend With Aged Patchouli, Vetiver, Oakmoss, Cedar, Violet Leaf, Dirt, Leaves, Cypress, Spruce in undenatured organic cane sugar alcohol.
I got this for myself because my aesthetic is mysterious witch hiding in the woods. Actually after smelling it now it must have had time to rest and I thought I would write that it’s a little musky and sharp with vetiver as the main note, but now it smells like bright fresh grass and oak and I do smell the patchouli, which is awesome!
Foxcroft - Ozone, Rustling Leaves, Rich Black Soil, Chimney Smoke & Woods
I’d heard so many good things about Foxcroft on this sub! It smelled like fresh greenery when wet, like moss and ferns in the rain (flashbacks to searching low in the rainy forest while mushroom hunting) and decaying fall leaves, and then completely changed into woodsmoke where you can really smell the wood when it dries. Now I’m kind of wondering if it’s changed after resting, though.
Covered Bridge - Woods, Moss, Leaves, Wood Smoke, Dirt, Ozone, Fir Absolute.
I found this to be similar to Foxcroft. Fresh, slightly peppery greenery in the rain and then drying into woodsmoke. I recommend it for rainy day lovers!
I bought 3 perfumes here for my friend who wanted campfire + rain after reading a review on this sub saying that Blushie’s Dust After Rain was one of the most realistic rain scents they’d smelled.
Dust After Rain - This fragrance is composed of fresh ozone notes, clear blue water, rich earth and a hint of cedarwood and grass blades bending beneath the droplets.
Smells kinda like hand sanitizer :( But after layering this with other scents the hand sanitizer is kind of hidden and makes the other scent smell a little rainy, so it kind of works.
Rainfall - The fresh, uplifting aroma of ozone-rich rain on a dewy bed of very subtle white floral.
I kinda smell the white floral but I don't smell rain :(
Snowfall - I don’t smell snow :”( I smell doctor’s office hand sanitizer and cherry cold medicine :( Sorry Blushie
Rosarium Blends
HermAphrodite - The Divine Union of Hermes and Aphrodite ~ Potent love charm and aphrodisiac. Use to find truth in individual happiness, elevate spirits, and explore the union of love within and without. Ingredients: Benzoin, Oak, Vervain, Aniseed, Myrtle, Apple. I got this at a pagan festival this summer and it was sold to me by a witch who honestly scared me. This smell is very benzoin and either not for a gourmand lover like me or it put a curse on me. Please buy this from me I’ll make it super cheap (only half joking, but yeah I know these posts aren’t for buying; I’ll put it in Sunday Swap).
submitted by spvcevce to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

Blooddrop Halloween Release Pt. 2

Halloween Part 2 was released yesterday! Another redditor pointed this out in a different thread and I got excited because I want to do this with For Vincent Price and now I can finally buy a bottle and fulfill the dream. Via facebook, here's the perfume list:
++Deliciously Halloween++
Deliciously Chilling - Pumpkin gingerbread whoopie pies with marshmallow cream filling.
Deliciously Dreadful - Pumpkin beer, mulled cider, pumpkin white tea, mandarin petitgrain, white ginger, jasmine.
Deliciously Ghoulish - Sweet pumpkin, coconut milk, cream, ginger, orange sugar, shredded coconut, vanilla.
Deliciously Ominous - Pumpkin, maple, espresso, stout, cinnamon buns.
Deliciously Unearthly - Pumpkin, smoke, dark patchouli, oud, lemongrass, wormwood.
++The Nope Collection++
Barn Funnel Weaver - Apples, wood, soft musk, hay, harness leather, cedar, hinoki, soft spice, and vanilla.
Cellar Spider - Soft wisteria, pale violets, blackberry, plum blossom, vanilla, and elderberry.
Cross Orb Weaver - Golden amber, wild blackberry, vanilla orchid, tonka bean, patchouli, German chamomile, and clary sage.
Daring Jumping Spider - Black coconut, black licorice, clean white laundry note, and marshmallow.
Grass Spider - Lawn violets, star jasmine, watermelon, sage, smoked amber, and wild mint.
Red & Black Spider - Black licorice, black cherry, dragon’s blood, red musk, black pepper, dark orange, and candied apple.
Shamrock Orb Weaver - Marshmallow, raspberry, monoi de Tahiti, bergamot, sweet orange, violet, soft musk, juniper, black pepper, and tropical wood accord.
Wolf Spider - Oakmoss, vetiver, dark patchouli, bay, camel oil, red mandarin, star anise, sandalwood, and wormwood.
++The Ladies and Gentlemen of Horror++
For Bela Lugosi - A deep, intense blend of black and red musks, graveyard dirt, lavender, myrrh, rosewood, bay, dark patchouli, blackberry, myrrh, and tobacco.
For Boris Karloff - A shifting blend of Egyptian musk, wood moss, copal incense, nighttime air, forest accord, and a gentleman’s chypre.
For Christopher Lee - The scent of a funeral pyre, dragon’s blood, rosewood, grave moss and dirt, olibanum, coffin wood, copal, and cold crypt air.
For Ingrid Pitt - A gorgeous blend of Moroccan rose, sexy skin accord, sandalwood, lilac, incense, and oud.
For Lon Chaney Jr. - A swarthy, rugged blend of smooth wood notes, rum, warm spice and sand, dark patchouli, Indian sandalwood, and white grapefruit.
For Maila Nurmi - Deadly sexy black currant, black plum, red musk, smokey sandalwood, vanillaed jasmine, clove, and cinnamon.
For Peter Cushing - An elegant, noble, and reverent blend of fern, Tibetan amber, rosewood, church incense, and wild lavender.
For Vincent Price - A distinguished, elegant blend of rosemary, teakwood, lavender maillette, velvet fabric accord, cedar, amber and a touch of incense notes.
submitted by WhenYouHaveGh0st to Indiemakeupandmore [link] [comments]

vetiver grass bunnings video

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Vetiver is a grass with many uses in the restoration and rehabilitation of Australian landscapes and water ways. Vetiver Grass is a natural alternative to prevent erosion, clean the water from nitrates, phosphates, heavy metals, chemicals and other contaminants. Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides) is a densely tufted, perennial clump grass with stiff leaf bases which overlap. It forms narrow, dense hedges when planted along the contours of sloping land, slowing down run-off and helping the water soak into the soil rather than washing off the slope. Vetiver is sensitive to shade and this will slow growth, especially in young plants. USES Erosion control: vetiver grass is widely used throughout the tropics for planting on the contour as an anti-erosion measure. When planted in single lines along the contour, hedges of vetiver are found to be very effective in soil and moisture conservation. Vetiver grass helps to stabilise soil and protects it against erosion. It can protect against pests and weeds. Vetiver is also used as animal feed. (Wiki.) GrowVetiver is a plant nursery run by Dave & Keir Riley that harvests Grass trees epitomise the Australian bush: they’re beautiful, ancient, hardy, thrive in nutrient-poor soils and respond to wildfire by flowering profusely.. Xanthorroea australis amongst heath at Friendly Beaches Reserve (Tas). Photo Wayne Lawler/EcoPix. Check out our range of Cordyline & Grassesproducts at your local Bunnings Warehouse. Visit us today for the widest range of Plants products. The Rapid Planter is made from commercial grade solid carbon steel. We use them daily in our own commercial Nursery here at Vetiver Systems NZ. The drive shaft is 16mm solid steel, it has a hex shaped non slip drive end. A high quality construction that should last you a life time. Bio bags . Biodegrable bags help the environment. Fuerte and reed avocado bought for farm 1/2 price!!! Don’t know if your Bunnings would have them on clearance but for this price, worth checking out. Trees and Plants > Hedge Plants > Vetiver Grass - Monto. A non-invasive clumping type grass that does not produce viable seed. Excellent for erosion control as it produces a massive root system that grows straight down rather than out from the plant. It creates a sort of curtain beneath the soil, trapping sediment and slowing down the movement of Check out our range of Turf, Grass & Lawn Care products at your local Bunnings Warehouse. Visit us today for the widest range of Garden products.

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